
  • Step 1: Blockchain Infrastructure Foundation (Q1 2024)

    • Establishing the essential blockchain infrastructure to support all future developments and ensure a secure, robust platform.

    • Designing the tokenomics framework in preparation for the upcoming launch of our tokens, ensuring a well-structured and sustainable economic model.

  • Step 2: Payment Evolution with Stable Token Payouts (April 2024)

    • Transitioning to a modern payment system where drivers receive earnings in $COMIN, a 1:1 euro-backed stablecoin in a closed loop, reflecting our commitment to efficient, rapid transactions.

  • Step 3: Launch of $COWIN Token (June 2024)

    • Introducing our utility token, $COWIN, to incentivize active community engagement, enhancing loyalty and consistent platform use.

  • Step 4: Launch of $COGOV Token (October 2024)

    • Rolling out our governance token, $COGOV, alongside the Global and City DAOs, empowering the community with decision-making capabilities and fostering deeper connections with the platform.

  • Step 5: Launch of City Ownership Tokens and Operator Model (Mid 2025)

    • Introducing city-specific ownership tokens, allowing local operators to launch COMIN in their regions and offering a tokenized revenue share based on local rides. This step is crucial in expanding our reach and customizing services to meet local demands

Last updated