$COGOV : Governance Token

$COGOV is the governance token central to giving our community a voice in the platform's operations.

Distribution Mechanism: $COGOV tokens are earned by staking $COWIN. Usage: Users wishing to vote or submit proposals must possess $COGOV tokens and satisfy activity requirements: drivers should complete 20 rides and riders 5 rides within the last 6 months.

Governance Structure: $COGOV holders can participate in two decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs): the Global DAO and the City DAO:

  • Global DAO ensures the COMIN ecosystem operates smoothly, making decisions in the community's best interests.

  • City DAO addresses the needs of each local community. This decentralized governance structure ensures a democratic and transparent decision-making process, empowering all community members.

The COMIN platform embeds its governance system directly within the app, empowering users with $COGOV tokens to actively shape the future of the service.

Last updated